Monday, March 21, 2011

I love the Scriptures!

I have really found a love for reading out here. I can't wait to get home and read everything! Its really enjoyable. I read everything that I can get my hands on out here. I hope to finish the New Testament by the end of April and the Old Testament by the end of May. Its going to be tough but I want to read through everything so that I can become a more effective missionary.
Well this week has been really eventful. We had training this week which has really helped me strengthen my testimony. We also had Stake Conference were Elder John A. Anderson of the Seventy came and addressed us. It was a really neat experience. You can always tell that they have a burning testimony of the gospel. Its really awesome. I hope that my testimony can grow like their's. I am so grateful for all the experiences I have. What a blessing. I learn so much from every experience I have!
It was wonderful seeing president this past week so many times! I am always so grateful for the opportunity that I have to hear him teach and how he leads by example. I'm thankful he always helps me in times when I am struggling. I really learned a lot at the training that I had. I learned that teaching by the spirit is very hard but if we just stop thinking and get out of the way we will be able to help those that we are teaching come closer to Christ. It is His gospel and needs to be taught His way.

Well I am so grateful for the scriptures. I have really been having trouble with understanding the doctrine of the Atonement. As I have been studying and pondering and trying to learn about it I came to the conclusion last night that in order for the Savior to fulfill his purpose we need to apply the atonement's so we can fulfill our purpose. It definitely was a very profound thought that I had which I am so grateful for. I am so grateful that I have a loving Heavenly Father who cares about everything I engage in.

Well the area is really starting to pick up. As we have increased our faith individually and as a companionship we have started to see real miracles. We have been trying very hard to listen to the spirit and it has been a real challenge for us. We have some investigators who are not progressing and that we are having drop lessons with this next week. We love them very much and its going to be hard but we know that if they are not progressing then we are not fulfilling our purpose.

I know there have been people prepared in this area that are waiting to hear from us. The members in the ward have been doing a great job! We have four members that are going to have people in their homes for us to teach in the next couple of weeks. We have an appointment with a family this evening that we are very excited for that a member invited them over for dinner and then a family home evening. She has been prepared. Her husband just recently passed away and he was a very less active member of the church. He was baptized at 8 but never said anything about it. So she is now really curious about the church. We are really excited about it.

Brother Fritz is not progressing. He is reading out of the Book of Mormon but not really doing it with an open heart. I hope and pray that he will start praying. He is starting to show signs of finding out. He has started praying but just says the word and doesn't believe that he is talking to anyone. We have seen the Holy Ghost work with him over the past little bit and its been amazing. He works with a lot of members that help him out and answer all his questions. So we know that he has been prepared to hear the message but we are trying to help him realize that. We are going to try and start teaching his daughter who has showed signs of interest. She hasn't wanted to sit in any of the lessons but she loves coming in and out of the room and sitting on the couch so she can hear while were at the table. So we will see what happens.

We are working with the ward a lot with the ward mission process. It has been really effective. The people on the process are really getting exited about the gospel and are really trying to share the gospel with whoever they can.

President asked me to let him know what principle I was going to work on and I have decided that under the Teach People, Not lesson's Section I am going to work on the principle of: I act on the impressions that come to my mind or heart as I teach. I hope to be able to just act on the promptings of the spirit instead of thinking it through.

Love Elder Butler

Monday, March 14, 2011

A Rather Challenging Week

I am more and more grateful each week for the members of the Church with big families and still raise them in righteousness! There is a quote in PMG on Pg 19 that says. True doctrine understood changes attitudes and behaviors. I know that it has changed my attitude!!!

Yesterday was absolutely beautiful. It got up to 75. I hope it gets warmer so we can take off our suit jackets. If it gets above 80 we can take them off. I am also excited for General Conference because that weekend kicks off the end of Suit Coat Season. We are having Stake Conference next weekend which I am really excited about. Elder Evans of the Seventy is coming to speak to us. So I am pretty excited about that!
How are the gas prices!? They have been sky rocketing here. It doesn't really affect us right now because we gave the car to the Zebulon Elders full time. Elder VanDeren has tendinitis so his knees have really been hurting so I talked to President about it and he has it for the next few weeks. So it will get us out on the bikes more and using members more! It am really excited about it!
Well it was wonderful to see president and his wife this past week. They are really a strength to me. I am thankful to them for always being there for me and for correcting me as well. I am so grateful for the Savior's atonement and I hope that the Lord can forgive me as I try harder to listen to the promptings of the spirit. Thank you!

Well this past week has actually been very challenging for me. A lot of our appointments cancelled this week and I just didn't get why! I know that it is really teaching me patience and love for my investigators. I guess its back to the drawing board. We need to find our brothers and sisters who are prepared to hear about the gospel. In my prayers I have been trying to seek from Heavenly Father what I can do to have those opportunities to find our brothers and sisters who are prepared to hear the gospel. I was reminded quickly its by speaking to everyone and asking everyone for referrals. So that is going to be a goal of mine this week, is really to talk to everyone and even if they aren't prepared they know who is. I hope that with this new direction I will be able to find those who are really prepared to hear the gospel message!

So we had a meeting with Ken O'Brian this week and it was a very hard lesson. We have decided that we are going to have one more lesson with the Bishop there and if he hasn't been reading and praying about the Book of Mormon then he is not ready yet. I have been having a hard time with him and keeping my emotions out of the situation. He is such a great person but that's not what this work is about. Its about finding those who have already been prepared and if they are not prepared at the time then planting that seed and writing it down in the area book for another missionary to harvest that seed. I have really learned this principle this past week. I know that if I can follow the spirit on everything I do that I will be able to know who is prepared and who is not.

We met with Yasmany this week as well. He is such a great guy. He is living with a member at the time being until he gets on his own feet. He is dating the daughter of these members. He really has no Christian Background but seems to be pretty willing to learn more about the gospel. His girlfriend is really against the Church and so its hard for him to accept the truth. We are going to just try and help him read out of the Book of Mormon each day, pray and play basketball with us on Mondays! He has grown up in a very hard situation and doesn't have the support that most people have. We have a lot in common so I hope that we will be able to help him realize that the Gospel of Jesus Christ can change his life!

Brother Wellborn is a part member family who we weren't able to meet with this week but he came to church. It was so good to see him there. We have an appointment with him this next week. We are trying to get the ward to fellowship him. I know that if we can get the ward more involved with him that he won't feel pushed into the gospel and that he will be more comfortable at Church.

We have been working a lot with the members on the Ward Mission Process in the first ward! We have been seeing miracles because of it. They are great families. They also have a lot of non-members for friends who they are going to talk about the gospel with! I know that if the ward gets the ward mission process going that it will effect the missionary work in the ward. We are still working with the second ward trying to get them started on the Ward Mission Process. Brother Dixon is going to talk to Bishopric about it. He has brought it up numerous times so hopefully we will be able to get in going in that ward. I would like to talk to President on Thursday about it. Maybe he can help us get it started!

Well I am very grateful to be in this wonderful area. I love Wake Forest! I truly love this people and want to do whatever I can to help them increase their faith in the the Savior, Jesus Christ. I feel that this week that I had a wrestle with the Lord. I felt like Enos. Well I probably said the longest prayer I have ever said and after I had wrestled with the Lord, I felt that the weight was lifted from me. I felt clean! As I fasted for strength to overcome my weaknesses, I felt the power of the atonement. I know that the Lord hears and answer's my prayers. I know that it takes time and patience in being forgiven and that forgiveness is a gift but I am excited to work harder this week and correct those things that do not align my will with the Fathers. I am so very grateful for the power of the Book of Mormon. It truly brings me great comfort as I read it. I know that it is truly the word of God and I have grown closer to my Savior as I have read it and abide by its precepts.

Love Elder Butler

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The "President Harding Challenge"

Well there is a lot going on here in Wake Forest. We have had to make some decisions on who we need to drop and who to continue teaching. It has been really hard but I will never forget the experience Elder Hansen and Condie had with a lady that they shared in a Zone Conference. We need to make sure they are progressing and if they are not then we need to find the elect who are looking.

So we have been working a lot with our ward mission leaders in trying to get the Ward Mission Process up and running. We have seen some great success from it. Our days have gone from sort of busy to extremely busy, especially having two wards. I love it. It helps me make sure that I always have the spirit with me so I can just go where He wants me to go.

I love our investigators. The opportunity to serve as a District Leader has helped me increase my love for everyone. I feel like Nephi when he said "My eyes water my pillow by night!" I find myself doing that more often. I truly love my brothers and sisters. I would do anything for them. I hope and pray that the Lord will help my love for them to increase and that I can continue to be more obedient every day in thought and action. It is hard to overcome the natural man but I know that it is part of the Lords plan for us to become saints.

So this past week a lot of our investigators canceled our appointments which was hard but we worked with the members and have been seeing a lot of success from the "President Harding Challenge" We have 4 appointments because of the challenge and we by the end of the month we will be having hopefully 5 more appointments with members friends. I am so grateful for the opportunity to serve in this stake with inspired leaders. What a privilege it is.

So I had the opportunity to go on an Exchange with Elder VanDeren. He is a wonderful missionary. He has a testimony that is solid and the people really love him. Elder Bartlette and him are definitely getting along great and working hard and are seeing miracles in their area! They are being obedient which is great. I really love those missionaries! The Sisters are doing well! They are getting along great and really "thinking outside of the box" and seeing success that way. I am so grateful to have such great missionaries in the District. The Lord is truly blessing us. I know that I have to work harder in this next week to help my area become a "model area" If the District is going to grow I need to step it up and make sure that I am following the Lord in all I do to find those people who are ready to come unto Christ.
So Josh Coley has decided that he wants to serve a mission. I really truly love that kid so much. He is doing so good. I love his family a lot as well. They have us over for dinner at least once a week and we hang out with them almost every Preparation Day. Such good people. Josh comes out with us whenever we need him so its been great for him. We continue to really work hard with lots of the young men. Its really neat. I love these young men so much. They have so much potential to be the great missionaries of the Church. They are getting better and better each transfer.
Well I am sorry this is short but I don't have that much time. It seems like I never have time to do anything anymore. Its wonderful! I hardly think about myself. I get less sleep because I am always thinking of others. What a unique opportunity I have to be serving at this time. Elder Johnson is a great missionary. I really love him a lot! We get along really well and I have learned a lot from him. He likes to help me remember how old I am in the mission though. I can't even believe how fast it is going. I am starting to appreciate it more and more. I am starting to go out of my way to talk to more people, work harder, study like its my last day and most of all pray like I can change the world. I love it. I don't want it to end! I am so grateful for the opportunity I have each day to share the gospel. I hope that I can continue to grow!
Thank you so much for all the hard work you do for me. Know that I love you very much and and so grateful for your prayers. May the Lord Bless you in all that you do!!!
Love Elder Butler

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Elder Austin Johnson


Time really is flying by. It is really interesting to hear how technology is changing so much. I feel like I am out of the loop all the time. Its especially weird when I have no clue what something is (like the Ipad for example). I get it all the time. It's weird to think that I have been on my mission for this long. It feels like just yesterday.....
Well this week was pretty fantastic. I am so grateful for the wonderful things that are happening in our area. So as you know I got a new companion. His name is Elder Austin Johnson. There are like 4 Elder Johnson's so I have to use his first name when introducing him. He is from Flagstaff, Arizona. He has only been out for 2 transfers and so I'm his follow-up trainer! He is a very good missionary. We have only been together a week but we get along GREAT!!! He really knows his stuff. It seems like the missionaries that are coming out are a lot more prepared to serve missions than the group that I came out with. Its really crazy. Its amazing how the Lord binds us together with Unity and how we can teach together like we have been companions for like months. I am so grateful that he is my companion. I know that I am going to learn a lot from him. Just to let you know Elder Scott Petersen went to Sholote ( Which is right by the beach. He already sent me a sea shell!!!)
So our teaching pool is starting to really increase. It's been really wonderful to see the tender mercies of the Lord. We found a couple of investigators this week that we hope will see the importance of the Gospel in their lives. Tommy is a former investigator who has been through a lot in his life. He is now at a point where he is very humble and really receptive of the message that we have to share. Jesse is a 15 year old girl that is living with him right now. I know that she is looking for more in her life and I know that the gospel will help change her life. It was absolutely heart breaking to look in her eyes and see the hurt that was there. I know that because of the Savior that He can take that hurt from her and replace it with peace, joy and happiness!
We also went and saw the Fritz family this week. Man he really tests me spiritually. I know that because of the Spirit that the lesson went really well. We talked a lot about faith and how he needs to have more of it. We also talked a lot about prayer and why it is so essential in the whole scheme of things. He told us that he would rip apart the chapter we gave him and he would ponder it in his heart. I know that if he truly desires to find out if all of this is true that he will be able to. It was really wonderful because Maria (his wife) sat in for the lesson and she added to the conversation. We tried to ask her as many questions as possible so that the spirit could bare witness to her husband. It worked!!! Steve is starting to figure out how the Holy Ghost works with him. It was amazing!!!! I am so excited to see him again this next week. I hope that they won't be out of town this week so that they can come to Church.
We weren't able to meet with the O'Brians this week. Kelly was really sick so we scheduled to meet with them this Thursday. I am really excited to see them again. Elder Johnson has some great ideas and our companionship studies for them have been really great.
We met with Brother Wellborn this week. He is great. I love meeting with him. He makes me laugh so hard. He reminds me of the scientist off of "Back to the Future" We had a really great lesson with him though. He has been reading but not praying. We told him that we would have to pray in order to find out if the Book of Mormon is true. He came to Church on Sunday so we were pretty excited about that. He told us that when he found out these things are true that he would be baptized. So hopefully he will find out soon. It's all up to him though.
We had a miracle this week as well. We met with Ken Green again. He was a former investigator who is now a progressing investigator with a Baptismal Date for March 25. We had a wonderful lesson with him and Borther Larson. The Spirit was so strong while we were teaching him. I know that the Lord put him in our path for a reason. He really wants his wife to increase her faith as well and hopefully she will meet with us next time. He said that he would come to Church this next week. Man he is so great. I love him very much.
We also met with Gene Schultzs this week. He is a really wonderful man. He is very Catholic and is very set on his beliefs but we have arranged for him to have a dinner with a member who was very Catholic before she became a member of the Church. So we are pretty excited about that. Talking to him strengthened my testimony of the truths that we know to be true.
We also had our musical fireside this weekend. Sister Dodge was freaking out. It made me laugh a bit. She was so worried that people weren't going to come and then the projector didn't work and etc.... So we all said a prayer together and then it went really well. The spirit was so strong in that meeting. There were a lot of members but there we some non-members as well. SUCCESS!!! They want to do something like this twice a year. The members loved it and it will hopefully get them excited about missionary work.
Well that was pretty much our week. I really love this area so much. It is a real blessing to meet so many wonderful people who are always trying to help me. I know that the Lord will continue to lead and guide me in everything that I do. I am glad that you liked the pictures. I am excited to see some from back home. Well I hope y'all have a great week and know that I love y'all very much!!!
Elder Butler