Wednesday, April 28, 2010

My Purpose

What a week, a really exciting week actually!!!! So earlier this week we had and Activity Zone Conference in Wilmington. It was a lot of fun. We got to play a lot of activities with half the mission!!! There was a couple of different Zones there other than us!!! This Zone Conference really focused on our purpose and man was it great for me to hear all that I heard. I have been really selfish this last 5 months. I need to do more for the people. I need to stop making up excuses for my companion and myself. I need to become what the Savior wants me to become!!! I really learned about my purpose and have been trying to apply it more in my missionary work. I have seen a huge difference in doing that. The Lord really blesses us for trying to do his work with exactness. I have been so grateful for the added strength the Lord has given me because I just asked him. He gives us help and whatever we need if we just ask and sincerely want to change! My companion has been sick this week which really is terrible!!! I have been studying like crazy though. I love the Book of Mormon so much!!!! It is definitely an amazing and the most correct book on the earth! It is pretty incredible to see the change that I have had even just this past week. There is so much more I have to do but the Lord will help me. We have really been blessed this week. We met with Astevia and Katherine this week and man was the Spirit so strong when we met with them!!! They are closer to baptism than ever. Kim has a boyfriend now and we probably won't see her to much in our lessons, but Astevia and Katherine want to keep on meeting with us. They even came to Church. We have a dinner appointment with them and a member this Thursday. Lauren Delauney is doing really well!! She is accepting all that we're giving her and really interested in learning. Her boyfriend is back from BYU so it will be great to have him come and be in the lessons with us!! Things are going great here though. The weather is beautiful and the ward is so awesome. I am nervous that I might be transferred this next transfer. We find out on Saturday. I am really getting along with my companion. I have been pushing him really hard and I don't know if he is tired of me but I just tell him we need to tract and go find people and he does it. I am grateful for this time I have to serve. This next week is going to be wonderful. We have a lot of appointments Scheduled!! Brother Leech is doing so great btw. We meet with him often and he is learning really fast!!! He met with the Bishop and everything is great!!! He continues to inspire me and my love for him and his wife continue to grow!!! What a great family!!! I am grateful for you all! Thank you for your support and love for me. This gospel is true. Joseph Smith is a true Prophet. The Book of Mormon is the most correct book upon the face of the Earth.The Savior loves each one of us and is the only way we can get back to live with our Father in Heaven. I know that I am called here to serve the people in North Carolina.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Honor and Exactness

This week has been a really weird week for me. I have been having a lot of internal battles with myself this week and man its been a tough one. I am grateful to have the scriptures and prayers to comfort me. I want to work so bad and go tracting and contacting and teach and just be a missionary but my companion has a hard time with that. He doesn't like tracting at all and just wants to sit at home all the time. I have been really just praying and studying trying not to say something I would regret. He is a really great guy but has a hard time with being motivated to work, no matter what I ask or say. I will put my trust in the Lord and keep doing my best! We have had some really great lessons this week. We got to visit with our new investigator, Elizabeth and she really likes what we are teaching her. She has alot of questions that we were able to answer. Its been really great. BROTHER LEECH IS HOME!!!! I cant tell you how excited I was for him to get back. He is doing so good. He read like half of the Book of Mormon while he was out in the middle of no where. Man it was good to feel of his spirit again and see how the gospel really changes lives. I love him so much. I don't know why I am so attached to him but its awesome!!! Katherine gave us a call last night and wants us to come on over again this week. I am really excited about that. I sent Mindy my CD's this past week so I hope my companion sends his home. I really want to try and be as obedient as I can. I have been studying alot in Preach My Gospel this past week about my purpose and am excited to have a whole Zone Conference about it tomorrow. We get to go to the beach, Willmington, for Zone Conference. This Zone Conference is a special one. It's an activity one!!! I am really excited about it. Mostly to be chastised by the spirit. I need it. I need to change alot of things but realize I can only do it by small steps. I am really excited. Its all about changing our attitudes to help us become more in line with the Savior's teachings and example. I am grateful to be a missionary at this time. I am grateful for the trials I do have. I am grateful for my companion. He has alot of great qualities. He is a great pianist and a great singer. He has a solid testimony of the gospel. He is a great teacher and a great conduit of the spirit. I am grateful for the temple. What a wonderful time I had going to the temple and really reflecting on what was important in life and why I need to attend regularly. I am grateful for the spirit that is felt there and how it tells me how I can be better. I am going to really focus my week on two words, Honor and exactness. I am going to try and apply these to words to myself!!! Well I hope you have a great week. Its kinda weird that my Birthday is this week but I don't feel like it is. I am actually going to be on exchanges with the District Leader for part of it.

Sacrifice Brings Forth the Blessings of Heaven

Well my week has been very humbling!!! We had interviews this week so its always great to meet with President. He really helped me this time with things I need to change and helped me to stop worrying about things that I have repented for. It was really a great experience. I love him so much and am really grateful for his calling and the inspiration/revelation he receives. So my companion got told to read the missionary hand book with me and read it all the way through. He also told Elder Cline that we need to go through our music and anything that isn't inline with what the Missionary Handbook says we need to send home. So I will be sending Mindy my CD's. It's really hard but sacrifice is part of being a missionary and I want those blessings. Well we got a phone call from our investigators on Thursday and they dropped us. Astevia talked to me and told me that they weren't ready to follow all the rules. They didn't want to be baptized because then they would feel bad because they would be sinning. She also told us that he daughters wanted to live there lives. It was really sad and heart breaking but they have their own agency!! We will be still contacting them every once and a while!! We have a new investigator though. One of our less-actives fiances wants to take the lessons so we are going to try and reactivate him and hopefully help her enter into the waters of Baptism. We also set a baptismal date with Kelly Green as well. Things are going really good with her. I really love her so much. I love everybody I meet actually. Its something that has been really growing in me, is the ability to love everyone I talk to know matter what they say. Well things have been going good though. Elder Cline is really great. I love him a lot. We are going to be working out a lot this week because he wants to lose some weight so that should be a lot of fun. I love working out!!! This week hasn't been to exciting but I feel like I have grown a lot. I have been reading the scriptures more and trying to pray harder and more specific. I am grateful for all that I have.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

General Conference

At General Conference we sustain our Prophet as Prophet because we know that he has been called of God and will follow whatever he says. If we raise our arm to the square to sustain President Monson as a Prophet then we also sustain everything he teaches and all that the past Prophet taught. It is a requirement for baptism. Its a requirement to get a temple recommend.
Well a little bit about my week. Its been really different not having Elder Birrell as my companion but I am learning alot. Elder Cline is really great. We have alot in common. I have been trying to be as obedient as I can be and find this task very hard when you are junior companion. I am trying though. I am also helping my companion lose some weight as well. We have been running alot lately and I am really sore but its great. He is losing some weight. I have lost about 10 pounds!!! I am around 165 lbs! I eat a ton though so its a bit wierd. I love our members. I really do. Its so different being in this ward down here but I love it. I am so grateful for my ward back home. I really love getting letters from the High Council every month. They are truly inspiring. There are things that I need to hear!!! Things with investigators have been going pretty good but I'm getting a little nervous. Astevia, Kim and Katherine haven't called us since Thursday and that was to cancel our appointment. They haven't returned any of our phone calls but we have been praying for them. I hope to be finding out whats going on soon though! Lauren Delauney is doing great. She is elite! She came to conference and loved it! We are meeting with her sometime this week. Kelly is also doing great. She has softened up her heart quite a bit. I am feeling really good about her and will be setting a baptismal date soon. Things are going great here though. It is rediculously hot here (94) and there is pollen everywhere. But it is extremely beautiful!!! I love it here so much. I have interviews with President tommorow so that should be exciting!! I have been trying really hard to be obedient and repent of my mistakes which I make daily! Well thats really all thats happened this week!!! We have a new investigator that moved into our ward so we are going to be seeing her this week along with a potential that we found at Walmart but I will tell you how that goes next week. It seems like time goes by so fast. Days are long but weeks are short and transfers just fly by!!! I haven't missed a day of my journal yet and you can tell Mindy that I have been keeping a picture journal as well ( the one that she gave me) I am becoming but it has been tough. Gerneral Conference was one of the best experiences of my life. It really changed who I am going to become! I have made some goals that will be great. I will be working harder because "two men can do anything if one of them is the Savior" and "after the Savior had endured so much pain and sorrow during the Atonement and his Crucifixion, he didn't rest for a moment, he went to work in the spirit world" I can always try to do better and become better. Studying the scriptures has helped me so much and kneeling before my Heavenly Father has been a blessing.

I love each one of you so much. You are all great examples to me and your friends. Keep the commandments and be obedient. I love that I am a part of this family. I am grateful that I have the opportunity to wear my Saviors name on my chest along with my family name!!! I love you all so much!!!