Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Honor and Exactness

This week has been a really weird week for me. I have been having a lot of internal battles with myself this week and man its been a tough one. I am grateful to have the scriptures and prayers to comfort me. I want to work so bad and go tracting and contacting and teach and just be a missionary but my companion has a hard time with that. He doesn't like tracting at all and just wants to sit at home all the time. I have been really just praying and studying trying not to say something I would regret. He is a really great guy but has a hard time with being motivated to work, no matter what I ask or say. I will put my trust in the Lord and keep doing my best! We have had some really great lessons this week. We got to visit with our new investigator, Elizabeth and she really likes what we are teaching her. She has alot of questions that we were able to answer. Its been really great. BROTHER LEECH IS HOME!!!! I cant tell you how excited I was for him to get back. He is doing so good. He read like half of the Book of Mormon while he was out in the middle of no where. Man it was good to feel of his spirit again and see how the gospel really changes lives. I love him so much. I don't know why I am so attached to him but its awesome!!! Katherine gave us a call last night and wants us to come on over again this week. I am really excited about that. I sent Mindy my CD's this past week so I hope my companion sends his home. I really want to try and be as obedient as I can. I have been studying alot in Preach My Gospel this past week about my purpose and am excited to have a whole Zone Conference about it tomorrow. We get to go to the beach, Willmington, for Zone Conference. This Zone Conference is a special one. It's an activity one!!! I am really excited about it. Mostly to be chastised by the spirit. I need it. I need to change alot of things but realize I can only do it by small steps. I am really excited. Its all about changing our attitudes to help us become more in line with the Savior's teachings and example. I am grateful to be a missionary at this time. I am grateful for the trials I do have. I am grateful for my companion. He has alot of great qualities. He is a great pianist and a great singer. He has a solid testimony of the gospel. He is a great teacher and a great conduit of the spirit. I am grateful for the temple. What a wonderful time I had going to the temple and really reflecting on what was important in life and why I need to attend regularly. I am grateful for the spirit that is felt there and how it tells me how I can be better. I am going to really focus my week on two words, Honor and exactness. I am going to try and apply these to words to myself!!! Well I hope you have a great week. Its kinda weird that my Birthday is this week but I don't feel like it is. I am actually going to be on exchanges with the District Leader for part of it.

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