Wednesday, April 7, 2010

General Conference

At General Conference we sustain our Prophet as Prophet because we know that he has been called of God and will follow whatever he says. If we raise our arm to the square to sustain President Monson as a Prophet then we also sustain everything he teaches and all that the past Prophet taught. It is a requirement for baptism. Its a requirement to get a temple recommend.
Well a little bit about my week. Its been really different not having Elder Birrell as my companion but I am learning alot. Elder Cline is really great. We have alot in common. I have been trying to be as obedient as I can be and find this task very hard when you are junior companion. I am trying though. I am also helping my companion lose some weight as well. We have been running alot lately and I am really sore but its great. He is losing some weight. I have lost about 10 pounds!!! I am around 165 lbs! I eat a ton though so its a bit wierd. I love our members. I really do. Its so different being in this ward down here but I love it. I am so grateful for my ward back home. I really love getting letters from the High Council every month. They are truly inspiring. There are things that I need to hear!!! Things with investigators have been going pretty good but I'm getting a little nervous. Astevia, Kim and Katherine haven't called us since Thursday and that was to cancel our appointment. They haven't returned any of our phone calls but we have been praying for them. I hope to be finding out whats going on soon though! Lauren Delauney is doing great. She is elite! She came to conference and loved it! We are meeting with her sometime this week. Kelly is also doing great. She has softened up her heart quite a bit. I am feeling really good about her and will be setting a baptismal date soon. Things are going great here though. It is rediculously hot here (94) and there is pollen everywhere. But it is extremely beautiful!!! I love it here so much. I have interviews with President tommorow so that should be exciting!! I have been trying really hard to be obedient and repent of my mistakes which I make daily! Well thats really all thats happened this week!!! We have a new investigator that moved into our ward so we are going to be seeing her this week along with a potential that we found at Walmart but I will tell you how that goes next week. It seems like time goes by so fast. Days are long but weeks are short and transfers just fly by!!! I haven't missed a day of my journal yet and you can tell Mindy that I have been keeping a picture journal as well ( the one that she gave me) I am becoming but it has been tough. Gerneral Conference was one of the best experiences of my life. It really changed who I am going to become! I have made some goals that will be great. I will be working harder because "two men can do anything if one of them is the Savior" and "after the Savior had endured so much pain and sorrow during the Atonement and his Crucifixion, he didn't rest for a moment, he went to work in the spirit world" I can always try to do better and become better. Studying the scriptures has helped me so much and kneeling before my Heavenly Father has been a blessing.

I love each one of you so much. You are all great examples to me and your friends. Keep the commandments and be obedient. I love that I am a part of this family. I am grateful that I have the opportunity to wear my Saviors name on my chest along with my family name!!! I love you all so much!!!

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