Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Short and Sweet

Well this email probably won't be very long at all because we are doing a Zone Preparation Day! I just wanted to let you know how much I love y'all! Thank you for all the prayers and all the love you send my way. I feel it daily. I am so grateful to have such a great family. I felt the spirit a lot on the phone last night. Thank yall for being there and sharing great stories. It makes me smile a lot. I know that gopsel is true. I know that Jesus is the Christ. I know that we can be forgiven of our sins through His Atonement. I know that Joseph Smith was the Prophet of the Restoration. I know that he was given all the power and keys to restore the kingdom of God upon the Earth again. I know that He calls prophets today. I know that Thomas S. Monson is our Living Prophet today. I know that the Book of Mormon is true. I know that it will bring us closer to God. I know that it teaches us the higer law. I know that we will live as a family forever. I am so grateful for yall. I hope yall have a great week.
Love Elder Butler

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Elder Richard G. Scott: The Importance of Covenants

What a crazy weekend. It has been great though. Sorry we are emailing late again. Our library is always packed and so it is hard to ever get emailing done on Monday. So things are going great hear though. Being in a three man is a lot of fun. We are always laughing! There is literally never a dull moment. It has been a bit hard to juggle 3 wards but it makes for a lot of work. I am so grateful for your prayers. Thank you so much for always keeping me in mind. I can feel it a lot!
Well this week has been a real interesting week to say the least. It is interesting how the Lord is in all of it though. I am so grateful for the power of the Atonement in our lives. I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to re-evaluate everything in my life and make sure that everything was in order. I am so grateful for the opportunity the Savior gives me each day. I am grateful for the decision Elder Bartlett made. I hope that he will have a transformation as he uses the Atonement in his life. Its amazing how much love that the Savior has for each one of us. It was a really neat opportunity for me to feel at moments, the love the Savior has for those in my District. I really am grateful for the opportunity I have to serve in this capacity. I am growing and learning so much from these great Elders and Sisters in my District. Miracles are happening as our faith is increasing.

Well it definitely was a very revelatory experience listening to Elder Richard G. Scott this past weekend. I am so grateful that the Lord has restored his kingdom upon the Earth once more. I know that the Apostles are truly called of God and hold that Authority to act in His name and Special Witnesses. It was really neat for me to see the powerful testimony which he held. It was really neat to see how Apostles continue to grow as we do. I am grateful for the opportunity that I had to learn. I am so grateful for the Spirit that accompanied the meeting. Something that I learned that was pretty profound, was the importance of Covenants. It was really funny to me how he was talking about marriage so much but I soon understood that it wasn't about marriage it was about that Saving covenant that we make with our Heavenly Father. I am so grateful for Coventants. I am so grateful that our Heavenly Father gives us power to keep his commandments. We just need the desire. Something else that I learned was that I need to be more dignified in my language. It really is all about Character and Integrity. I also learned that I need to "Forget Myself!!!" I can always do better on this. I am so grateful that Heavenly Father gave me the opportunity to sit at the Feet of His Servent. What a blessing it was. I will never forget the feelings I felt.

So working between both areas has been really interesting. It has been a real challenge but we can see the Lord working in all the plans we are making. I am so grateful that it is His work and not mine. I would have no clue what I would do. Through this experience, I have come to be more grateful for the nightly planning session. If we don't plan well then we have no clue what were going to do. I am so grateful that we have the spirit as our tool.

I am very grateful for my companions. Elder Johnson is such a great missionary. He is so spiritually guided and always says what the spirit wants him to say. I am so grateful for his great example. He corrects me often and I am so grateful that he loves me enough to do so. I love him very much and am grateful to be his companion. I am so grateful for Elder VanDeren. What a great missionary. He is always making me laugh. He isn't worried about plans changing because that is what the Lord wants. He is always ready to go where the spirit wants him to go. He has a powerful testimony of the Savior as well which radiates as he shares it. I can tell that he truly loves the Book of Mormon. The Lord has really blessed me with great companions. I am so grateful for the opportunity that I have to learn from such great servants of Him.

I am so very grateful for my testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is really interesting to me how much it has grown just being in this area. I know why the Lord has put me here. I am so grateful for the inspiration that you receive. I have truly grown closer to my Savior while I have been here. Talking to some of the Seminary students has really helped my understanding of "who He is really?" I am so grateful for the Gift of the Holy Ghost. I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to be a part of this work. I am so grateful for the inspiration I receive on behalf of this area. I am just so very blessed to be a Child of God!