Monday, August 9, 2010

Born of Goodly Parents

I truly have been thinking alot about my parents this past week just because in a way I am raising Elder Jones. I am thankful for all that they have done and continue to do for me. I have been born of Goodly Parents!

Well this week was really interesting. We got a new investigator named David. He is really solid. We tracted into him on Monday night and he told us to come over and teach him. He is Methodist and doesn't really believe in organized religion. Well when we got there the next day he was all researched up about the Book of Mormon and about Joseph Smith. It was absolutely amazing. He had some questions and we answered them and it was great. We called him to come to church but he wasn't in the city but he told us that he was reading so were really excited to see him this next week!

We have been working alot with the less actives and part member families. It really is crazy how many Part Member Families we have. I think there are like 10-20. So we have seen some success from that. We have scheduled alot of appointments for the upcoming weeks. We have been doing alot of tracting and getting sun burnt!!! Even though I put on sunscreen. Its wonderful. We have been also doing alot of biking. Elder Jones seems to keep up with me even though sometimes I think I am pushing him to hard.

Well Elder Jones got really sick. I told him to keep hydrated and drink lots of water and I constantly reminded him but I don't know. He started having pains in his abdomen and they think it might be a slow blood leak from his intestines or a hernia. So we will see what happens with that. That dilemma has slowed us down quite a bit. He had to go to the hospital yesterday so we gave him a blessing and I hope everything will be ok! I love him so much and it has been really weird for me to see what strengths I have in teaching him and what weaknesses I have! I am trying to improve. He has alot of great qualities. I have started noticing little things that are starting to bother me which is so unlike me. So I have been praying really hard.

Well that was pretty much my week. I have been learning alot from the scriptures this week on prayer and the importance of members. I truly love studying the gospel so much. What a blessing it is to know what we know. Well I sure love all y'all so much (trying to talk my language!! Yes there is a plural to y'all) and know that you are always in my prayers. I am grateful for the opportunity I have to serve and truly love it so much! May that Lord continue to bless you!

Love Elder Butler

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