Tuesday, August 17, 2010

It's great to feel a part of a family no matter where you go in the world.

Family is so important. I have really learned that this past week. I sure want to be closer with mine. This week has been really hard for me. Probably my hardest week in the mission. Elder Jones doesn't really want to be here anymore. His sickness has gotten worse and he is always in pain. I don't no how bad it really is but he is making it a big deal. Its hard for us to work because he just wants to sleep all the time. I try not to complain at all and keep my frustrations to myself and my journal. I have learned alot of patience this past week and what its like to be a father almost. I am really grateful for the opportunity to handle this responsibility. Its taxing but worth all the experience. I have been talking alot to President and he has helped me a ton. I sure love him alot. I know that he is called of God and truly loves me as missionary but more as a child of God! We are going up to the mission home today so he can talk to President face to face. So we will see what happens.
This ward deserves so much better right now. I just want to work so hard because of all the work that they put into missionary work. I hope things will figure themselves out. I really do. I am doing a fast today for Elder Jones. I feel like Alma and King Mosiah. I have never prayed so hard and so fervently for anyone in my life. Its a great feeling to love someone so much and to worry so much about their Salvation but I feel the sorrow and pain that they felt with their sons. It won't get me down though. Satan won't take me down with him. I will help him as much as I can but in the end its all about agency.
Our investigators are doing great though. We had 2 lessons this past week with David and he is doing well. He has a problem with organized religion but we help him overcome that so he can come to Church. We also met with Jimmy Wiggin's who just married a Less-active Hallie Mauldin. He seems really interested. He is Pentecostal but is open to learning. I hope that he truly prays about it. We have lessons with them both this week!
The members have given us referrals like crazy this past week. I am excited to go and see them. There was lady in our ward who actually had a dream about a family joining the Church so we will see how that goes! I love the members here so much! Its great to feel part of a family no matter where you go in the world. I hope you can feel my love through our Savior.

Love Elder Butler

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