Tuesday, October 26, 2010

It Truly Makes a Difference When the Members Testify

This week has been really wonderful. We have truly seen some miracles in our area. We met with Sister Rodriguez at the beginning of the week. She has truly been prepared for the gospel. We met in a members home and that truly made the difference. The Gray family is wonderful. We had the Waters family there as well. We had a very powerful lesson on the Restoration of the Gospel. She understood it really well. Sister Rodriguez is more of a visual learner so we watched the Restoration video. The spirit was so strong in their home. The members all went around and bore sincere testimony on the reality of Joseph Smith. It was wonderful. It truly makes a difference when the members bare testimony. Sister Rodriguez felt the spirit and we invited her to be baptized on December 4 and she accepted. It was wonderful. She is doing really great. We are really excited to continue to meet with her so often.

We met with our new investigators this week, The McLeod Family. There is a ton of potential there. Brother McLeod is really looking for the truth. At the beginning of the lesson he told us that he was doing it for his wife. They have only been married a month! You can definitely tell that they have only been married a month! We Throughout the lesson we explained how this is a very individual journey that he is on and that he needs to do it for himself. Brother Creger (our exchange) bore a powerful testimony on why he needed to do it for himself and if he does do it for that purpose he will get his answer. Brother Creger was in the same situation. He married a member and started off by doing it for her but he got his answer when he started doing it for himself. The lesson was a very powerful lesson. We started from the very beginning with Jesus Christ and helping him come to the knowledge that Jesus is the Christ. It was hard from me to teach this principle. I had never done it before. I have never taught anybody without a Christian Background before so it was definitely a really neat experience. I was grateful that the Holy Ghost was there to guide my words and thoughts. It was amazing to see the change in him throughout the lesson and how that spirit was softening his heart. He went from saying "Well I believe this...." to asking inspired questions. At the end of the lesson we invited him to pray and he gave his first prayer. It was absolutely wonderful. He is on the path to finding out if all of this is true. We are so excited for him.

We met with Sariah this week. She was really distracted this week so it was a little bit harder to teach her this week. Teaching an 8 year old is a lot of fun. They are so sincere and they know a lot. We taught her about the commandments this week and it was truly wonderful to see how excited she was to continue to keep the commandments. She is really excited about her Baptism. She gave us her invitation and everything. I love being just a part of this experience and letting the ward do the rest. That's how it should be. I know that I am just an instrument and it's more important to get the members involved so they can be truly converted to the gospel.

We had a lesson with a less active member this week, Chad Daughtry. He is really a great guy. He needs to prioritize the more important things in his life but we are helping him out with that. His whole family isn't members and he wants us to come back and teach his family. I am really excited about him. He once had a testimony of the gospel and we hope to rekindle that testimony and fire it up so he can be a great support to his family. We set up another appointment to see him this week

We met with another part member family this week, The Saulman's. There situation is very difficult. Sister Saulman hasn't been to Church for about 22 years. She was a Catholic and then was baptized into the LDS Church and then went back and is now teaching the Youth at the Catholic Church. Her husband has no intention of ever going to Church again because he went 3 times a week when he was younger and that was just too much for him. We found out some concerns that she has. She wants to have an eternal family but she knows her husband won't change and so her attitude is almost "Whats the point?" So we are going to be trying to meet her needs and help her understand the Doctrine of Christ and build her foundation on that. She says she believes that Joseph Smith is a true Prophet and that the Book of Mormon is true but if she believes those things then she would act upon them. So we are going to try and help her out. Her daughter could have a lot of potential. Apparently she reads out of the Book of Mormon regularly so we are going to see if we can start teaching her.

We had a wonderful social activity with the ward on Saturday. The Chilli Cook-off/ Fall Festival. It was amazing how many members were there. There were over 250 people there and they only planned for 100 people. There were a ton of members of other faiths there. The members brought a lot of their friends. IT WAS GREAT. We talked to so many people and had a really great time sharing the gospel. We have a few appointments with some of the people that came. Our investigators were also there. They had a wonderful time there bonding with that ward. I am grateful for the love that our ward has for missionary work. I would say there were probably at least 20 non-members there and there were about 10 less active members. It was a huge success.
We got to carve a pumpkin and a watermelon for the event. It was hilarious. I got made fun of so bad. They were like " Is that a Canadian tradition or something." It was really funny! I get made fun of so much for being Canadian but its just makes me laugh.
Well I hope yall have a great week. I love you so much and I am glad that you had such a great week. I hope that this week brings great joy.
Love Elder Butler

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