Tuesday, February 9, 2010

1st Transfer Comes to an End

Well things here are going really well!!!! I am starting to really read the scriptures and study them. I am learning so much!!! I am so grateful to have the Lord as my teacher. I am learning things that I would never imagine. Well I'll tell you a little bit about my week. Well on Monday we had P-Day up in Sanford with the Cameron Elders and the Spanish Sanford Elders. Elder Massy (SP Sanford) is going home this next week so we are trying to spend as much time with him before he goes. We had alot of fun playing board games and just hanging out. I forgot my planner from last transfer so I dont remember what days they were. All the days just seem to blend in. So we have been teaching Astevia, Kim and Katherine for about a week now. We have been over there 4 Times!!! They are such a great family. They are really looking for the true Church and we are there to help them with there conversion. Kim was really quiet to start out with but now is starting to ask alot of questions. They are such good questions and I have been writing down all of the questions and answering them in my study journal so I can learn from them myself. I can't believe how much I learn when I am teaching investigators. The spirit really "Edifies All" when we teach. I had the opportunity to invite them to Church. They said they would come if Kim didn't have to work. Well they gave us a call on Sunday morning and said that they didn't have a strong enough faith to come to Church yet. We repected there decision and have another appointment with them tommorow! I am really excited about them. I just want them to feel the true happiness I get to feel everyday but I only want them to make this step if they have gotten the answer for themselves. Its not about the numbers but its about how we can help them get to that point to have the spirit witness to them that its true. I know that the numbers are there just to keep us going to help us grow to try and teach everyone we meet. We have been meeting alot lately with this less-active family, The Leech's. The husband was baptised when he was 8 but has never practiced. He has made some mistakes in his life that he is feeling really bad for. He had gone through so much in the past few years and is wanting to fix everything. I have never felt the spirit so strong before toward someone in North Carolina. I felt Christs love for him. I want to do everything that I can for him. He is an amazing individual who is really wanting to know if the Church is true. We are teaching him the Lesson's. He came to Church with his wife on Sunday and is doing so great. We hope that he gets the answer he is looking for which is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Kelly Green and her husband, Jake (who has been deployed) came to Sacrament. It was so good to see them. I really hope that Kelly can see past all of the tecnical things and just focus on the spiritual side of things!!!! It was good to see them thought. We had the opportunity to bump into the Samuelsons at Walmart. Their Baby girl, Lily ( i love that name) is doing well. We will hopefully meet up with them again this week. James still isnt answering his phone. We pray for him daily!!! Shae is the same way. Antonio doesnt want to be taught anymore so that was sad but we still love him and hope that the seed that we planted may grow someday. We are trying to meet up with Thomas Walker this week. He seems real interested about the message so that should be really exciting. Things are going really good here though. I am still being a bit hard on myself but I'm trying to be more positive about things. It's not that I'm negative but I really need to know the stuff. I know that the Lord will help me but I need to work harder. I love serving. I can't tell you how much I love it. I want to do this for the rest of my life. It is so important to always be member missionaries! Elder Birrell is starting to get a bit "trunkie" Its a little hard thinking that I only have 6 weeks left with him. I really love him and we get along great. We never fight and are always having fun and learning and working hard. I do love him and am really blessed to be his companion. I get nervous from time to time realizing that in about a Month he won't be here anymore. I need to work harder so I can be able to do whatever the Lord wants me to. I need to be ready to teach all the lessons. I hope and pray that in these next 6 weeks I can grow so much. I am still week but i know through my faith and furvent prayers that I can grow to be that Alma. Well that is a little bit about my week.My new attitude for this transfer and the rest of my life actually is "does this please my father!" To become like Christ thats what we need to constantly ask ourselves because the Savior "was about his fathers business."This calling is amazing and I am learning so much but there is so much more I can be learning that I will be striving in this next week. Tommorow starts the Beginging of a new Tranfer. Its crazy to think that I have been out for a transfer already! Elder Smart is getting transfered out of our district so we will find out who is coming in on Wednesday. Well I love you all. Have a great week.
Elder Butler

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