Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Consistent Climbing

Well today is presidents day and its pouring outside!!!! It snowed this past weekend so we had another snow day. This week was a pretty good week but I have been pretty hard on myself this week! But things are turning around for my desire to do better. I have realized that it wont happen all at once and that I just need to keep working at it. Astevia and Katherine came to Church on Sunday and I can't even describe the feelings I had. It was so incredible to see them take that leap of faith to see if this is the True Church and feel of that wonderful spirit! I love being a missionary. Every minute of it. Its really hard sometimes. I just want to know everything and it seems like and 1 and a half hours isn't long enough for me to study. I truly want more each day. Things are going good here though. Elder Birrell's Birthday was on Saturday so we celebrated that. I got him a sweet jersey (from Sister Jackson from Nauvoo) and I gave him a couple of my ties. It was a prettty good day. I really do love him and appreciate him so much. He is an amazing example and has answers to alot of my prayers. We have exchanges this week and he is letting me take over the area. Its kinda nerve racking because we are teaching Astevia tommorow and he wont be there. So i'm really nervous and feel inadequate! But I know that the Lord will help me if I truly pray and put my faith in Him. This week has been tough though. I have had alot of thoughts that seem to destract me. I try so hard to get rid of them but they keep coming back. Its so hard sometimes. But I want to be the best missionary I can be and it will take some work but I will overcome it through the power of faith. Its so great that I can turn to my Heavenly Father whenever I need help and if I am desirous and have that faith and hope then He can do all things. I hope this week is better and that I can be more obedient. I can always do better. Well know that I love you and keep you in my prayers constantly.
Love Elder Butler

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