Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I Have Grown An Inch

Well I am really glad to hear that everything is going well for y'all at home. I sometimes wonder what everyone looks like and how everything looks but it seems like y'all are growing so much spiritually, physically and mentally. I have actually grown an inch out here which has been exciting. I have gained about 10 pounds! With Elder Petersen getting sick and everything I haven't been exercising like I have wanted to and so I have been gaining weight but that will change this week! I am still crossing my fingers that I don't get sick. Elder Petersen is doing a lot better, which I am grateful for! I love my mission! Its the best experience ever! It sometimes feels like I have been out a while. I don't really remember things worldly anymore. Like sometimes when we talk to members about lets say music, I have no clue what bands I used to listen to. Its really weird. I am grateful for that though. I like being secluded from the world!

It seems like every week that I email you I say it has been a great week and I am learning a lot, but its true. My understanding of the gospel increases weekly and my understanding of the language of the spirit increases weekly. I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to serve here in the North Carolina Mission. This week I read a talk that has just gotten me real fired up about the work. It talked about inviting everyone you meet to repent and follow the example of our Savior. Well I have seen miracles come from it. As we are declaring repentance among the people with love and boldness, they feel the spirit testify to them that all of this is true. I also feel that we have more QGC's when we approach it this way because people have something they want to say on the subject and it makes for a good conversation. I am grateful for my ward mission leaders here. They are always fired up about the work and help the members become fired up.

I have been studying a lot about the apostasy this past week. What a huge difference it has had in my teaching. I now understand more about the apostasy and how important it is to explain it clearly but simply. I hope that I can continue to increase my testimony on the apostasy so my testimony grows and I can bare my testimony with power and authority.

We have a new investigator that we are working with. Brother Wellborn is not the member in part member family. His wife attends regularly and continues to encourage her husband to come. Well we had a great lesson with him on Wednesday night. We talked a lot about the Book of Mormon and why its important to read it every day. We also told him about baptism and why its important to be baptized by the proper authority. He understands that and said that we would read and pray about being baptized and if the Book of Mormon is true or not. I am really excited about him. He is a really great guy and is very knowledgeable in the things of the world and the bible. He doesn't like to be forced at all but he likes to have really good gospel conversations with us.

We haven't been able to meet with the Brooke's family this week. They haven't answered our phone calls and weren't at church. Their daughter, Maddie, is involved with softball and that takes up alot of their time. So hopefully we will be able to meet with them this week. They are a really great family and have been prepared to hear the message of the gospel. We will also hopefully be meeting with the O'Brian family as well this week. I have been studying hard for them and am really excited to meet with them but know that its going to be the spirit and the Book of Mormon thats going to convince them, not anything I say.

We also had a miracle happen this week. We walked into Church and Brother Trubilla's Dad was there again. We were totally surprised about that but he really enjoys coming to Church and he came to support his son receiving the Aaronic Priesthood. It was definitely a miracle. We are going to have dinner over at a members house with Brother Trubilla teaching the New Member Lessons but are also going to have his parents come because they know the members that are having us over for dinner. We are really excited about it. Brother Trubilla is doing great! He has been inviting people like crazy to meet with us. He is a really great example to me.

Well know that I love y'all so much and know that you're always in my prayers. Well the computers about to cut off on me so I will talk to you later
Love Elder Butler

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