Monday, April 4, 2011

Faith to Obey

It seems like the weeks get busier, shorter and more rewarding. It seems like the same, crazy weather pattern is happening here as well. It was like in the 80's last week but its now in like the 40-50's this week. I cannot wait for spring to be here but thankfully as of April 1st, Suit season is over! I am really excited about that.
Well this week has been really good. Elder Johnson and I got sick towards the end of the week but we had a really great beginning of the week. I am so grateful to have such a great companion. I really do love him very much and am so grateful for his beautiful and strong testimony of the gospel. It really is changing peoples lives, mine included.
We met with a family for Family Home Evening at the Jones. It went really well. We had a great dinner and really good conversation with them and then we went and had a great lesson. We showed them a clip from Mormon. org "Lifting Burdens" and it really brought the Spirit. It is really neat to have the apostles and Prophets of our dispensation testifying of the Savior. What a spirit that was felt. Susan is in the right place to learn. Her husband passed away a year ago and she has some really great concerns that we are excited to help her solve. Her son Kyle is so smart. He asked really great questions and has some really intellectual answers. I know that if they develop faith that their love for the Savior will grow. We will hopefully be having another appointment with them this upcoming week.
We met with Steve Fritz again. We were going to have a drop lesson with him because we felt that he wasn't progressing but he recognized that he felt the Spirit. He described the feelings of the Spirit and we got really excited. He has really changed a lot since we have been meeting with him. I know that the Spirit is working with him and I know that it is just a matter of time before he finds out for himself that there is a God. We are really excited for our lesson with him tommorrow. It should be great. We hope to start teaching his daughter Alyssa. She really has a lot of potential. She really is yearning to learn but for some reason doesn't want to sit down at the table and listen.
We also met with a part member family this week, the Alfords. They are great. The ward has really been doing a great job of fellowshipping them and have really opened Eli's heart to hearing the message of the gospel. We stopped by to see them and it was a really neat experience. He said that he wanted to learn more and that he would read the Book of Mormon to find out if its true. His wife is doing a great job of helping him come unto Christ. We are really excited about that. He wants us to come over again next week!!
We also met with another part member family, the Littles. He is really into the Baptist belief but would like some questions answered. So we are going to meet with him to evaluate his questions and see if he truly is seeking to find out if the gospel has been restored to the Earth. I am really excited about them. His wife is an active member so it should be great.
We have some really great goals to work with the members more this week and become more organized. We feel that we can do a better job of being organized which will cause less stress. I am so grateful to have a planner where I can record EVERYTHING! It truly is a blessing for me.
So I have been studying a lot in Alma this week about being exactly obedient. It was amazing to me to read in Alma 57:21 about the strippling warriors. They had faith to obey whatever their mothers had taught them. They Obeyed, Observed to perform and did it with exactness and it was because they had faith in the Savior. If we have faith in him we truly love him. I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to repent daily. I know that I make many mistakes but because of the Savior's Atonement I can be forgiven of my sins IF I continue to endure to the end and forsake the sin. I am so grateful for the patience my Savior has for me. I am really learning alot about his plan for me. I just need to get on board.
Well I hope y'all know that I love you very much. I am so grateful for the Love and support y'all give me. May the Lord continue to bless you in all you do. May y'all have a revelatory experience this week listening to General Conference.
Love Elder Butler

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