Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Who Can Argue With Truth?

Well things here have been alot slower. This past week I have been really sick. I have been throwing up alot and have no idea why. But I am trying to keep on working. I hope to get over it. I have been reading out of the Book of Mormon alot lately. I love that Book so much. I am almost done. I should be done by the end of next week! I feel that my testimony is growing in it and that when I bear my testimony about the Book of Mormon it's more powerful and bold. We have been biking alot this past week. It has been cooler this week which has been a real blessing! We haven't had really any success in finding anybody knocking but we have had some really great conversations that have made me think about alot of things. Justice didn't get baptized this week because he went Camping with his family this weekend for the July 4th Weekend. He will for sure be baptized this week! His friend, Hawk will be baptizing him! I am really excited about it. He is a really good kid and will be a great member of the Church. We had probably one of the most spiritual experiences this past week with Twain. He is truly elect and ready to be baptized. On Sunday we had Brother Chipman pick him up for Church because he lives about 15 minutes away. He loved Church and we asked if we could teach him another lesson at about 4. Well we went over to Brother Chipmans around 4 and taught him part of the Plan of Salvation. It makes sense to him. He is so bold and stubborn in his own ways and tells ya how it is but has been really receptive and has asked alot of questions that we have been able to answer and he hasn't argued about. He told us that this was different. He said that everything that we have talked about and he has heard while he has been going to church he felt to be true and hasn't needed to argue. He knows that there is something different about this Church. We had many opportunities to just have silence and let the spirit really open his heart and teach him. We set a Baptismal Date for Him for July 25, 2010. He accepted!!! I am so excited for him. He is going to be giving up coffee and smoking. He is going to do great. The members love him and have been really trying to help him. He got some phone numbers for possible employment and I hope and pray that everything works out and he will get a job. He isn't going to Church for a job, hes going for his personal salvation! It brought me to tears to see the change in him. To see how the Lord really does answer prayers if we are obedient. I am grateful to be in Pinehurst. I truly love this area and could stay here my whole mission. I am grateful for my companion. He has truly started to step up in his leadership skills. He is starting to lead the lessons and take charge. Its hard for me but it brings me joy to see him soar. I talk too much anyways. I am learning to only say what the spirit has told me to say. Its really hard but I am trying it out. It has been really successful so far. So our week was pretty good even though I was sick. We are still trying to find people but I know that the Lord will help us and put them in our path. We have interviews with President this week and I love meeting with him. He is a great man and I sure love him.

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