Thursday, March 18, 2010

Working out Salvation

Well my week has been pretty good. We went golfing again on Monday so it was pretty fun. I am getting better at it but its a hard sport. So this past week Astevia, Kim and Katherine have been sick so we haven't been able to teach them at all which has been a real bummer! We have been doing alot of tracting but haven't had anyone be responsive about our message. I had the opportunity to sing in Church on Sunday and it went really well. I messed up a bit but thats ok. The spirit was definitely there testifying of the message I was singing about. Elder Birrell was asked to speak for a bit on the Sunday morning. He did a wonderful job for being asked right on the spot. He has really been converted to the gospel through this experience being a missionary. "A testimony is what we know and feel but conversion is what we do and become." We have been meeting with Brother Leech again but he leaves again this Friday for a month of training. He is "becoming" and I really love him so much. I dont know why but I feel a special connection with him! Elder Birrell has been letting me do alot of things, like plan what were doing, weekly planning, phoning everybody, passing off the lessons, just getting ready for him to leave. Its crazy that he only has 7 days left. It seems like I just got here yesterday. We have stake conference this weekend which will be awesome. Its starting to get really warm outside. I was on exchanges yesterday and we biked 20 miles. It was a good bike ride. We got to see Mrs. Torrez. She is a minister at another Church but has come to Relief Society and felt a spirit there that she loved. So we will continue trying to get ahold of her. We are going to try and be setting dates this week if the spirit prompts us to. I am still trying to learn the lessons better. I am starting to get comfortable with teaching people. I am starting to know what the spirit is and how it feels and how I can recognize it. I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY!!!! It is truly helping me change to become a better follower/disciple of Christ. Well this week is going to be really wierd for me but I am going to try my best to focus and help Elder Birrell focus. He is so great and I love him so much. We have been trying to share the first vision as much as we can because there is a special spirit when a missionary shares that first vision. I have almost got it down but the spirit is still strong even though i don't say it word for word but I'm working at it. I have also been trying to memorize a scripture for each principle of every lesson. I will be passing of Lesson 2 and 4 this week and then I will be done passing them off!!! Well things are going really well here. I am glad things are going good at home! I love you all so much and if there is anything I can ever do for you let me know.
Love Elder Butler

P.S. - What is Nicholas Perona's MTC Address or where can I write him?!?!?!?And could you possibly find out Patrick Laing's new address as well!!! Oh sorry, and is anybody gettting married???? I have heard of a few already but just curious!

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